Heritage Gun Restoration Report No. 28

by Gunner R.C. Andersen

Krupp 7.7cm Field Gun

Good progress continues to be made on the identifying, registering and respraying of heritage guns. The register and data base now contain 504 guns of which 324 (64%) have been inspected. Approximately 125 have been resprayed.


Gunners on the East Rand, especially from Apex Base, are making a significant contribution to the new Springs Open Air Museum which already contains four guns. The main attraction is a Krupp 7.7 cm FK M 96 1896 Field Gun which has been restored to display condition. This restoration, which only took two months, included the manufacture of two new wooden wheels.

Plans are being formulated to increase the number of guns on display. Any assistance Gunners can offer would be appreciated.


All the guns at the Gunners’ Memorial in Potchefstroom were washed and cleaned at a maintenance day held by the Gunners’ Association on 15 April in anticipation of the Memorial Service on 7 May. In addition the Sexton and GV2 were resprayed.

The 3.7 AA Gun will be resprayed in the next few weeks.


Some 75 veterans and learners assisted with the cleaning of all the outdoor guns at a maintenance day held on 20 May. The learners were also provided with a guided educational tour of the Museum.


  • Plans are being put in place to inspect and register the ADA guns in Camden.
  • The KZN Gunners are progressing with the restoration of the 13 Pdr Memorial Gun.
  • The 3.7” Howitzer at Gem Homes will be resprayed as soon as the rain permits.
  • The Vereeniging Branch are using their contacts to be able to access and hopefully move to a Johannesburg Museum the 10.5cm le FH 98 Gun in Joubert Park. Permission has been received to move the gun.
  • Efforts continue to be made to progress the respraying of the Smuts House and Fort Klapperkop Guns in Pretoria.
  • The Vereeniging Branch are working with the appropriate authorities in Kimberley to respray the Sq Hill and 6” 26 cwt Guns.
  • The KZN MOTH, supported by the Gunners, continue with the battle to get access to the four guns that stood outside the Durban and Pietermaritzburg City Halls.
  • The Pretoria Gunners have located a firing mechanism for the GV2 standing at GEM Village.

Please keep me informed of other developments.


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