The late Gunner Wynter Prevost proposed that a wall be built in the vicinity of the National Gunners’ Memorial in Potchefstroom, where the families and descendants of all Gunners wold be able to add the name of their loved ones who had served in the Field Artillery or Air Defence Artillery as an act of remembrance.
Plans were drawn up and submitted to the Board of Trustees of the Gunners’ Association in 2005, and for various reasons this was not finalised until late 2022 whereby the Board of Trustees decided to erect the Wynter Prevost Memorial Wall on the Northern edge of the National Memorial site and offer the opportunity to the family members of deceased Gunners to apply to inscribe the names of deceased Gunners on the Wall.
The policy which governs the addition of the names of deceased Gunners may be downloaded here.
If you would like to apply for your loved ones name to be inscribed on the wall, please complete the online form here or download the application and submit it to wallofremembrance@gunners.org.za
Please send any additional enquiries in this regard to the National Secretary on e-mail: natsec@gunners.org.za